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9-week embodying flow workshop

Read all about our 9-week “Embodying Flow” workshop for beginners. We recommend this group workshop or an individualized 12-week program. We recommend scheduling a 15-minute call to answer all your questions.

Up Letters with Arrow Logo




Embodying Flow


Learn More

Facilitator program

Young Boy Pointing His Finger Up

embodying flow

Eye Health Icon

Stage 1

Flow in Observing

Time-tested observation practices, based on quantum social learning, help you uncover the more subtle aspects of your experience and grow beyond crises, seeing reality through a more mindful lens.

Cream Heart Doodle

Stage 2

Flow in Feeling

Through observation, you can learn to tune to and resolve what reaches you from within, revealing how you can consciously influence your mind and body, and the world around you towards balance.

Workplace Trust Handshake Icon

Stage 3

Flow in Relating

As you better recognize what comes from within, you will feel more balanced, increasing your ability to influence your relationships, conversations, and collaborations towards equilibrium.

stage 1

Eye Health Icon

Flow in Observing

Stage 1 consists of three 90-minute sessions in which participants are shown different practices conducive to integrating language, perception, and internal viewing or interoception, creating the basis for healing and self-awareness.

stage 2

Cream Heart Doodle

Flow in Feeling

Stage 2 consists of three 90-minute sessions in which participants go deeper into HEAL's protocol and language process. This facilitates integrating what we think and feel with how we socially interact. It helps us grow awareness, resolve inflexible emotions, communicate seamlessly, and synchronize our actions from within.

stage 3

Workplace Trust Handshake Icon

Flow in Relating

Stage 3 consists of three 90-minute sessions in which participants are shown how to synchronize what happens in any area of life from within, including empowering interpersonal dialogue.

The general objective of the program is to develop a well-being-oriented mindset, a sense of contentment, and empathy.

Disclaimer: HEAL is an educational intervention that stimulates the mind and body’s own restorative capacity. HEAL is not a medical intervention; always consult a healthcare professional in case of an emergency.

Be more aware and present with self.

Pink October People Full Body Indian Sit

Observe reality like never before.


Process difficult experiences, and allow your emotions to flow.

Learn self-reflexively.

contemplation businessman making decision where to go next

Feel healthy and resilient.

Healthy Heart Cardio Icon

New levels of freedom.

Flying Bird Outline

Feel open to communicating with transparency and a heartfelt connection.

Sphere with Connected Lines
Isolated Communication Bubble Flat and Line Design
Education studying

Learning Process

3D Learning Friends

Action Learning

2 hours / week

online in Zoom.


13:30 Hours

Conscious Person

Conscious Practice

In and outside of



3 Stages

Socialization of Pupils Illustration

Social Practice

Conscious practice in social interaction.

lead facilitator

Carlo Giovanni Monsanto is a co-founder of IoLee Ecosystem, an endeavor that embodies his commitment to conscious, resonant learning experiences and collaborative conversations. His work transcends boundaries, fostering personal, organizational, and social transformation.

Carlo is a community leader, innovator, scholar, and architect. Carlo’s journey has been shaped by deeply transformative experiences and a rigorous study of various disciplines, including health science, psychology, contemplative science, and, more recently, General Quantum Theory. His exploration of Bohmian Mechanics and Rheomode has further enriched his understanding of reality and consciousness.

Carlo’s unique ability to simultaneously look from different perspectives, bodies of knowledge, and insights enables him to facilitate transformative change in those he encounters. Since 1990, he has meticulously systematized his expertise. In 2019, alongside his partners, he pioneered a first-of-a-kind language and communication process that simultaneously involves internal viewing (interception) and synchronizing actions from within, known as H.E.A.L. (Human Experience Augmenting Language). Apart from solving “the hard problem in consciousness,” H.E.A.L. is the basis of the workshops, professional development programs, and facilitator training that Carlo facilitates.

education coordinator

Andreea Georgiana Petruse became entrenched from a young age in the pursuit of deeper self-awareness and understanding of the human condition, due to a variety of life experiences. She has obtained a Master’s in organizational systems with a focus on pedagogical application, a Bachelor’s cum laude in cultural anthropology, and independent studies in transpersonal psychology, trauma resolution, education theory, and philosophy. Her goals are to offer empowering internal frameworks to educators and students (K-12), with the hope of shaping a new educational paradigm – one that truly prepares our children for living life, improving both its quality and potential. She is currently contributing to QSL HEAL as an ambassador of its language and communication method and process and a guide in its development as a curriculum. Andreea believes in HEAL's capacity among other things, to effectively guide children to develop trauma/conflict resolution skills early in life and thus, better traverse life’s difficult passages. She serves in the core team of TEUS (Transforming Education in the US), and the board of BRITE, Ventura, and is also author of the upcoming book, Song Of The Child in which she further explore this vision and its affect on social evolution.

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